Tel.: (812) 600-41-16 ext. 102

Head of the division – Anna K. Korotkova Psy.D

The Laboratory of Psychology and Psychophysiology of Sports is a subdivision of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture and is a part of the Department of innovative technologies in sports.

The main focus of the scientific and research work of the division is study and development of innovative technologies in sport.

One of the innovative technologies, on which the division is working, is Gas discharge visualization (GDV). The GDV method is currently one of few methods, allowing to verifiably study physical, psychoemotional and energy state of a person.

In collaboration with the staff of other divisions during 2010 to 2011 the Division of Complex Computer Technologies developed a device for calculating the distance of a skier’s jump, as well as a method for controlling the technique of a ski jump and registering the point of landing in ski jumping. As a result, the division has secured a utility model patent.

The division staff is taking active part in the work complex scientific groups assisting the national Paralympic teams.


Фрагменты истории ФГБУ СПбНИИФК

В соответствии с Постановлением Президиума ЦИК СССР от 27 июля 1932 года на базе Государственного института физического образования (ГИФО) им. П.Ф. Лесгафта в январе 1933 года был создан Научный институт им. П.Ф. Лесгафта, впоследствии - Ленинградский научно-исследовательский институт физической культуры (ЛНИИФК).

Первоначально Институт располагался на проспекте Динамо дом 2 (с 1933 по 2008 г.)
